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Olivia my Fursona!

Name; Olivia
gender; girl
breed; Rough Collie, dog.
likes; Milkshake, chocolate, shortbread, sleeping, reindeer, puppies, warmth.
dislikes; bullies, bad weather (rain mostly), people who enjoy the misfortune of others and are spiteful for no reason<--what is that??? 
Fave colour; purple!
Best friend; Marley! <3

Personality; Olivia is not the type of person to pick fights, she wouldn't hurt anyone or anything. Although she stresses easily, she is a nice person, she loves to sing, dance and be around those who comfort her, she can be shy and quiet but when you get to know her she is a complete idiot who just wants to enjoy life and have a laugh. Olivia treats everyone she meets the way she would like to be treated, occasionally she can get ratty if someone has really ticked her off but overall she is a happy soul.



Olivia has been a house pet all her life, it was just the path that was meant for her. Although she has a house with family that love her she still enjoys exploring new places with her best pal, Marley! they take many walks together and love taking new paths to see where the next one will take them.Olivia's favourite holiday spot is Spain. She goes there 2-3 times per year with her family. Olivia loves visiting the beaches and pools around to go and cool off when it is too warm.

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